Sunday, October 4, 2009

Itunes U

Itunes U is a great program or tool to use for students, upcoming teachers, and anyone that wants to learn. I think it can be used in many ways but it would depend on the user. As a student I can learn in so many ways. It would be great to view vodcasts and listen to podcasts on different topics. Learning would be at my fingertips, whether if its on my ipod or netbook, I would be able to learn and to me that is all a person could ever ask for. I think it would be useful for subjects that are unclear and I would be able to listen to other lectures on the subject by another instructor. I could even watch videos on different labs.
As a teacher, there are so many activities that can be done. For instance, I could record lectures or videos to go along with classroom discussions and have information that would be beneficial for the next test or something. I could also have students listen to another podcast on a topic we have discussed to compare information because there would be something I may not have made clear and that could be very beneficial to students. I could also record study sessions or have them listen to a certain lecture for bonus information. To get students involved, I could have them record group discussions on a topic and have another group listen to it for note taking purposes.
I could go on and on about activities. I wish that I could have experienced some of this when I was in High School because I think it would have helped me in the lines of how to listen for information or going the extra mile to find information. I can not wait until I become a teacher and I will have all this for my students to learn, learn, learn. Itunes U would make education fun and different.

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