Sunday, August 23, 2009

Winkle Wakes and the Generation Today

Mr. Winkle Wakes reminds me of today's time and how the older generation reacts to the different technology. For instance, (EFT) Electronic Funds Transfer, is something that is very new to the older generation. Even though it is easier, some older people wish that things would go back to how they use to be. With the EFT, they have it to where the machine fills out the check but just like Mr. Winkle this is too much for them to understand.

However, I feel that technology these days is not where it should be, especially in schools. Mr. Winkle felt that the computer being dusty was how it should be but in actuality there should be a computer at every desk. There are so many children that learn better hands on or just by learning how certain things work. I feel it is our job as educators, mothers, sisters, brothers, or fathers to prepare children in general to run their future and not the future run them.

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