Sunday, August 30, 2009


While listening to the Podcasts I incorporated a lot of useful material.  However, I also disliked some of them because the information was not straight forward.  I enjoyed David Warlick's ConnectLearning the most.  It was more structured and easy to listen to.  It was a workshop that included librarians and teachers giving their ideas of how podcasting can be used in the classrooms as well as the library.  There were many ideas I thought were very useful, like using them for Senior Projects because an interview was a part of their portfolio, recording class discussions so students would be able to back to it later to make notes and most of the one about interviewing teachers and principals for upcoming sixth graders or parents new to the area.  I really enjoyed David Warlick because to me he broke things down and elaborated on ideas.  To me I would say this podcast was very useful.

Edtechtalk: Teachers Teaching Teachers was also a useful podcast because once again it was teachers giving ideas about what worked in their classrooms as well as things they wanted to do in the future.  I liked the teacher that made the statement about letting go and letting students discover for themselves.  I also like the idea about letting students use their cellphones in the classroom to find information.  However, I like the point that was made about how in other countries they value their cellphone and how it is cheaper and easier for them to use versus how we have different tools to give us information.  

Kidcast 62: Some Thoughts on Video Podcasting was horrible to me but something were somewhat interesting.  He brought out some great points like video casting will get students comfortable with a camera, it will build their confidence along with helping them with communication.  However, he did a lot of back and forward with video casting versus audio.  He suggested that audio casting be used first and then eventually use video casting.  He also stated that video casting was time consuming.  To me he did a lot of rambling and it was boring because it was just him with no other input.

SmartBoard Lessons Podcast:  This was the worst podcast.  I am sorry but for the first ten minutes Ben talked about absolutely nothing.  I am a visual learner and listening to everything they were talking about I could not vision any of that being useful.  I liked the fact that Joan was on with him but it was horrible.  They did not keep my attention except when they were talking about Obama cookies.  Therefore, I got nothing from this podcast.  I am sure it was better after twenty minutes but I was bored to death.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

Vicki Davis is the epitome of the teacher that I would love to become.  I love a lot of the things she stated.  I am sometimes overwhelmed by how much I feel I need to know before I stand in front of a class.  I feel that in order to be an educator you have to know what you are educating on and Vickie Davis made me realize that we learn from each other.  We teach each other things on the daily basis.  It was awesome to know that she admitted to not knowing everything and that her students were teaching her how to do things.

I totally agree with her statement that having only paper and pencil only certain types of children will succeed.  I really enjoyed this video because the students were active in the classroom and that is something you rarely see in the classroom today.  I loved how the students were excited about there work which is how education should be.  I hope one day that I can empower my students the way Vicki Davis has empowered her students.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Great Job Ken Robinson

Ken Robinson was very funny and made perfect sense. He made a lot of great points in which I will think about as I start my teaching career. Sometimes, I feel I am not creative. I believe it is because I was not creative as much as I should have been in school and because I did not know how. Mr. Robinson stated that in Public Education, you will find mainly general subjects at the top and arts at the bottom which is very true. I remember when we hardly ever had a chance to draw, dance or even sing in the classroom. Right now you can ask a child what they did today at school and majority of time the child will talk about either outside or what they colored.

It is amazing how we all have a different way of learning. I was always a visual learner but found it very difficult to comprehend the lesson because it was taught one way. It was more confusing when the teacher forced me to learn the way she wanted me to learn and to this very day I still struggle with comprehension. I just wish I knew of a creative way to get through it. However, I am able to take points from this video and apply them to how I want to manage my classroom. I feel as teachers, we should be creative and teach our children how to be creative so they can learn better and learn more about themselves.

I Didn't Know

I really enjoyed the video "Did You Know." It is amazing to know that even though China is not American, they may become the number one speaking country in the world. The video also had a lot of points that made you think. For instance, students' first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study. To me, that was an eye opener. It is a reminder of how fast the world is changing. I also had to think about how if Myspace became a country it would be the fifth largest. It just goes to show how far technology will take us which is shocking but makes perfect sense.

However, to answer the question, "What does it all mean?" I have the slightest idea. I sometimes feel like we should all educate ourselves. We should know more about our technology world and how fast it can really grow along with the changes it can take us through.

Winkle Wakes and the Generation Today

Mr. Winkle Wakes reminds me of today's time and how the older generation reacts to the different technology. For instance, (EFT) Electronic Funds Transfer, is something that is very new to the older generation. Even though it is easier, some older people wish that things would go back to how they use to be. With the EFT, they have it to where the machine fills out the check but just like Mr. Winkle this is too much for them to understand.

However, I feel that technology these days is not where it should be, especially in schools. Mr. Winkle felt that the computer being dusty was how it should be but in actuality there should be a computer at every desk. There are so many children that learn better hands on or just by learning how certain things work. I feel it is our job as educators, mothers, sisters, brothers, or fathers to prepare children in general to run their future and not the future run them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Little About Me

My name is Tawonna Keeton. I am a native of Moss Point, Mississippi and I love being me. I am a family-oriented person and I love the people around me as well as the people I will meet. I love laughing and being happy. I enjoy bright colors because they make things stand out. However, I am quiet and sensitive but I manage to deal with certain things. I also have a chihuahua named Skooter, a loving family and a dedicated boyfriend. I graduated from Moss Point High School in 2005. After high school, I attended Bishop State Community College and received a license in Cosmetology. I then decided to venture out and become an educator. Therefore, I decided to attend the University of South Alabama and major in Elementary Education. I am currently a Junior and can not wait until I actually graduate. There are many reasons why I want to become an educator but the main reason is to be the best teacher that I never had when I was in Elementary School. I also have other dreams like owning my own Hair Salon and even a Youth Center.