Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Glut of Google Can Give You a Virtual Fever

I found this article to be true in so many ways. I agree on a lot of levels. Eric Horvitz states that "People have come to look at search engines as question-answering systems." I know in a heart beat if I don't know something I will go to google.com and type in a question or a phrase and see what I can find out. I do that with about anything. Needless to say I have done it with essay questions just to see how much information I can get off of typing in that question. Yes, it is bad that we depend on the Internet or search engines to give us accurate information. I felt like this article was discussing me. The reason I say that is because I have typed in certain symptoms and all kind of things came up and I honestly went into panic mode. Especially when the Swine Flu came about, all I could think about was I had it and it was because the same symptoms were staring me in the face. The more I read the more I became scared and not wanting to be around anybody. I was more dependent on what the search engines were telling me I did not want to go to the doctor. Overall, I feel that we do have to be careful what we believe and how we believe. If we keep going about it the way we are there will be no need for doctors or anything else. We may even have to start paying for the information that we receive.

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